Le Chatelier Distinguished Paper awards

Links to Dr. Brand's Google Scholar and ORCID pages.
List of Journal Publications
44. T.Q. Tran, R. Cook, O. Ipindola, E.O. Fanijo, A. Newman, P.E. Stutzman, and A.S. Brand. "Measuring mineralized carbon in carbonate minerals and cementitious materials by an acid digestion-titration method," Cement and Concrete Research, 191, 2025, 107829. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconres.2025.107829
43. R. Alarrak and A.S. Brand. “Mechanical performance of extruded functionally graded fiber-reinforced mortar with targeted fiber injection,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 157, 2025, 105896. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2024.105896
42. S. Li, T.Q. Tran, B. Ji, A.S. Brand, and W. Zhang. “Optimization of Zn leaching recovery from tire rubber and high-purity ZnO production,” Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s40831-024-00981-5
41. T.Q. Tran, S. Li, B. Ji, X. Zhao, W. Zhang, and A.S. Brand. “Mitigating zinc leachate from end-of-life tire rubber in stabilized clayey soils,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(11), 2024, 04024107. DOI:10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-12302
40. T.Q. Tran, S. Li, B. Ji, M.H.H. Rahat, T.-N. Nguyen, B.-C. Le, W. Zhang, and A.S. Brand. "Mitigation of zinc and organic carbon leached from end-of-life tire rubber in cementitious composites," Construction and Building Materials, 432, 2024, 136589. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.136589
39. S.-W. Cho, S.E. Cho, and A.S. Brand. "A meta-analysis of the effect of moisture content of recycled concrete aggregate on the compressive strength of concrete," Applied Sciences, 14(8), 2024, 3512. DOI:10.3390/app14083512
38. R. Alarrak, B. Jeon, and A.S. Brand. "Flexural toughness of extruded fiber-reinforced mortar with preferentially aligned fibers," Construction and Building Materials, 407, 2023, 133528. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133528
37. A. Behravan, M. Lowry, M. Ashraf-Khorasani, T.Q. Tran, X. Feng, and A.S. Brand. “Effect of pretreatment on reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates for minimizing the impact of leachate on cement hydration,” Cement and Concrete Research, 173, 2023, 107305. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconres.2023.107305
36. R. Alarrak, B. Jeon, and A.S. Brand. “Fracture properties of extruded fiber-reinforced mortar with preferentially aligned fibers,” Construction and Building Materials, 403, 2023, 133022. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133022
35. E.O. Fanijo, J.G. Thomas, Y. Zhu, W. Cai, and A.S. Brand. "In situ quantitative topographic measurement and corrosion behavior of low carbon steel in chloride solutions," Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, in press. DOI:10.1080/1478422X.2023.2242654
34. E.O. Fanijo, J.G. Thomas, Y. Zhu, J. Esquivel Guerrero, N.C. Hosking, J. Li, and A.S. Brand. "Effects of thermal history on the corrosion kinetics of rolled aluminum 6111 alloy," Materials Chemistry and Physics, 303, 2023, 127802. DOI:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127802
33. S. Li, T.Q. Tran, Q. Li, B. Ji, A.S. Brand, and W. Zhang. "Zn leaching recovery and mechanisms from end-of-life tire rubber," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 194, 2023, 107004. DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107004
32. A. Behravan, T.Q. Tran, Y. Li, M. Davis, M.S. Shaikh, M.M. deJong, A. Hernandez, and A.S. Brand. "Field inspection of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) storage tanks using infrared thermography and ultrasonic methods," Applied Sciences, 13(3), 2023, 1396. DOI:10.3390/app13031396
31. A. Behravan, T.Q. Tran, A. Hernandez, M.M. deJong, and A.S. Brand. "Evaluating the integrity of high-density polyethylene storage tanks," Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35(5), 2023, 04023101. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004744
30. A. Aghajanian, A. Cimentada, M. Fayyaz, A.S. Brand, and C. Thomas. "ITZ microanalysis of cement-based building materials with incorporation of siderurgical aggregates," Journal of Building Engineering, 67, 2023, 106008. DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106008
29. A. Aghajanian, A. Cimentada, K. Behfarnia, A.S. Brand, and C. Thomas. "Microstructural analysis of siderurgical aggregate concrete reinforced with fibers," Journal of Building Engineering, 64, 2023, 105543. DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2022.105543
28. E.O. Fanijo, J.G. Thomas, Y. Zhu, W. Cai, and A.S. Brand. “Surface characterization techniques: A systematic review of their principles, applications, and perspectives in corrosion studies,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169(11), 2022, 111502. DOI:10.1149/1945-7111/ac9b9b
27. T.Q. Tran, B.S. Thomas, W. Zhang, B. Ji, S. Li, and A.S. Brand. "A comprehensive review on treatment methods for end-of-life tire rubber used for rubberized cementitious materials," Construction and Building Materials, 359, 2022, 129365. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129365
26. T.Q. Tran, A. Behravan, and A.S. Brand. "Heat of hydration in clays stabilized by a high-alumina steel furnace slag," Cleaner Materials, 5, 2022, 100105. DOI:10.1016/j.clema.2022.100105
25. E.O. Fanijo, J.G. Thomas, Y. Zhu, J. Esquivel Guerrero, N.C. Hosking, W. Cai, F.M. Michel, and A.S. Brand, “Quantitative measurement of corrosion at the nanoscale by in situ spectral modulation interferometry,” Materials Characterization, 189, 2022, 111992. DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2022.111992
24. E.O. Fanijo and A.S. Brand. "Anti-corrosion behaviors of corn-based polyols on low carbon steel rebar.” Cleaner Materials, 4, 2022, 100066. DOI:10.1016/j.clema.2022.100066
23. A. Behravan, M.M. deJong, and A.S. Brand. “Laboratory study on non-destructive evaluation of polyethylene liquid storage tanks by thermographic and ultrasonic methods.” CivilEng, 2, 2021, 823-851. DOI:10.3390/civileng2040045
22. A.S. Brand and E.O. Fanijo. “A review of the influence of steel furnace slag type on the properties of cementitious composites,” Applied Sciences, 10(22), 2020, 8210. DOI:10.3390/app10228210
21. A.S. Brand, P. Singhvi, E.O. Fanijo, and E. Tutumluer. “Stabilization of a clayey soil with ladle metallurgy furnace slag fines,” Materials, 13(19), 2020, 4251. DOI:10.3390/ma13194251
20. A.S. Brand, S.B. Feldman, P.E. Stutzman, A.V. Ievlev, M. Lorenz, D.C. Pagan, S. Nair, J.M. Gorham, and J.W. Bullard. “Dissolution and initial hydration behavior of tricalcium aluminate in low activity sulfate solutions,” Cement and Concrete Research, 130, 2020, 105989. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.105989 Awarded Le Chatelier Distinguished Paper 2020
19. A.S. Brand, J.M. Gorham, and J.W. Bullard. “Dissolution rate spectra of β-dicalcium silicate in water of varying activity,” Cement and Concrete Research, 118, 2019, 69–83. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconres.2019.02.014. Awarded Le Chatelier Distinguished Paper 2019
18. J.W. Bullard, E.J. Garboczi, P.E. Stutzman, P. Feng, A.S. Brand, L. Perry, J. Hagedorn, W. Griffin, and J.E. Terrill. “Measurement and modeling needs for microstructure and reactivity of next-generation concrete binders,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 101, 2019, 24-31. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.06.012.
17. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Interfacial transition zone of cement composites with steel furnace slag aggregates,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 86, 2018, 117-129. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.11.012.
16. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Interfacial transition zone of cement composites with recycled concrete aggregate of different moisture states,” Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 7(1), 2018, 87-102. DOI:10.1520/ACEM20170090.
15. A.S. Brand and J.W. Bullard. “Dissolution kinetics of cubic tricalcium aluminate measured by digital holographic microscopy,” Langmuir, 33(38), 2017, 9645-9656. DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02400.
14. A.S. Brand, P. Feng, and J.W. Bullard. “Calcite dissolution rate spectra measured by in situ digital holographic microscopy,” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 213, 2017, 317-329. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2017.07.001.
13. A.S. Brand. “Phase uncertainty in digital holographic microscopy measurements in the presence of solution flow conditions,” Journal of Research of NIST, 122, 2017, 022. DOI:10.6028/jres.122.022.
12. P. Feng, A.S. Brand, L. Chen, and J.W. Bullard. “In situ nanoscale observations of gypsum dissolution by digital holographic microscopy,” Chemical Geology, 460, 2017, 25-36. DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.04.008.
11. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Bonding in cementitious materials with asphalt-coated particles: Part I – The interfacial transition zone,” Construction and Building Materials, 130, 2017, 171-181. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.10.019.
10. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Bonding in cementitious materials with asphalt-coated particles: Part II – Cement-asphalt chemical interactions,” Construction and Building Materials, 130, 2017, 182-192. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.10.013.
9. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Expansive and concrete properties of SFS-FRAP aggregates,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 28(2), 2016, 04015126. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001403.
8. J.R. Roesler, H.L. Chavan, D. King, and A.S. Brand. “Concrete slab analyses with field-assigned non-uniform support conditions,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 17, 2016, 578-589. DOI:10.1080/10298436.2015.1007231.
7. M. Moaveni, S. Cetin, A.S. Brand, S. Dahal, J.R. Roesler, and E. Tutumluer. “Machine vision based characterization of particle shape and asphalt coating in reclaimed asphalt pavement,” Transportation Geotechnics, 6, 2016, 26-37. DOI:10.1016/j.trgeo.2016.01.001.
6. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Ternary concrete with fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement,” ACI Materials Journal, 112(1), 2015, 155-163. DOI:10.14359/51687176.
5. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Steel furnace slag aggregate expansion and hardened concrete properties,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 60, 2015, 1-9. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2015.04.006.
4. A.S. Brand, J.R. Roesler, and A. Salas. “Initial moisture and mixing effects on higher quality recycled coarse aggregate concrete,” Construction and Building Materials, 79, 2015, 83-89. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.01.047.
3. A.S. Brand, A.N. Amirkhanian, and J.R. Roesler. “Flexural capacity of full-depth and two-lift concrete slabs with recycled aggregates,” Transportation Research Record, 2456, 2014, 64-72. DOI:10.3141/2456-07.
2. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Finite element analysis of a concrete slab under various nonuniform support conditions,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 15(5), 2014, 460-470. DOI:10.1080/10298436.2013.837463.
1. E.C. Ferrebee, A.S. Brand, A.S. Kachwalla, J.R. Roesler, D.J. Gancarz, and J.E. Pforr. “Fracture properties of roller-compacted concrete with virgin and recycled aggregates,” Transportation Research Record, 2441, 2014, 128-134. DOI:10.3141/2441-17.
List of Conference Proceedings
20. D. Banik and A.S. Brand. “Probable issues with using sulfur characteristic x-ray peak position to quantify iron sulfides in aggregates: Peak shifts due to beam exposure time and beam current,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions – Environment and Loading, eds. R.G. Pillai, P. Chaunsali, M. Santhanam, and R. Gettu, 2024, 512-519.
19. A.S. Brand. “Design of concrete pavements with recycled aggregates: Business as usual?” Innovations and Modeling to Reimagine Concrete Pavements: Proceedings of the 5th Advanced Workshop on Concrete Pavements, eds. L. Khazanovich and J. Vandenbossche, 2024, 14-20.
18. M.H.H. Rahat, D.M. Annand, P.J. Atwood, A. Behravan, and A.S. Brand. “Effect of freeze/thaw and substrate moisture condition on the concrete repair-substrate interface,” 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Minneapolis, MN, 2024.
17. M.H.H. Rahat, T.Q. Tran, B.D.J.E. Love, A. Behravan, and A.S. Brand. “Investigating the impact of freeze-thaw damage on chloride ingress in concrete,” in Cold Regions Engineering 2024, eds. J. Zufelt and Z. Yang, ASCE: Reston, 2024, 575-585. DOI:10.1061/9780784485460.053
16. T.Q. Tran, H. Ju, T.-N. Nguyen, T.P. Hoang, S.L. Abdelaziz, and A.S. Brand. “The effects of curing temperature on cement-stabilized soils,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1289, 2023, 012097. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1289/1/012097
15. B. Torfin, B. Byrd, L. Huynh, M. Lowry, T.Q. Tran, and A.S. Brand. “The effect of baghouse dust from secondary aluminum processing waste on cement hydration and mechanical properties,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1289, 2023, 012084. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1289/1/012084
14. H. Ju, A.S. Brand, S.L. Abdelaziz, and G.M. Filz. “Influence of organic matter on strength development of cement-water slurry,” Geo-Congress 2022, ASCE, 129-137. DOI:10.1061/9780784484012.013
13. T.T. Painter, E. Schwab, N. MacCrate, A.S. Brand, and E. Jacques. “Bioinspired cementitious-polymer composite for increased energy absorption,” MATEC Web of Conferences, 349, 2021, 01012. DOI:10.1051/matecconf/202134901012
12. M. Davis, T.W. Farnsworth, A. Williams, E. Smith, A.S. Brand, and T.T. Painter. “Fiber optic monitoring of a new rapid-setting, cure-on-demand polymer resin for roadway and structure repair,” SAMPE neXus 2021, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Virtual Conference, 29 June-1 July 2021.
11. M.C. Jenkins, A.S. Brand, T.T. Painter, and S.T. Sherry. “A preliminary digital image correlation study of the anisotropic mechanical properties of a 3D-printed mortar,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering, Virtual Conference, 17-19 May 2021. DOI:10.11159/iccste21.146 Best Paper Award Winner
10. M.C. Jenkins and A.S. Brand. “Aggregate moisture content and fresh property control measures in cementitious mortars,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering, Virtual Conference, 17-19 May 2021. DOI:10.11159/iccste21.130 Best Paper Award Winner
9. A.S. Brand and J.W. Bullard. “Applications of in situ digital holographic microscopy to study dissolution kinetics of cementitious minerals,” 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Prague, Czech Republic, 16-20 Sept. 2019.
8. A.S. Brand. “Dissolution kinetics of cubic tricalcium aluminate: Effect of magnesium sulfate,” 17th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Toronto, Canada, 20-23 May 2019, 33-39.
7. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Reclaimed asphalt pavement in concrete pavements: An overview of properties, microstructure, and design considerations,” 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, Texas, 28 Aug.-1 Sept. 2016, 943-960.
6. A.S. Brand and J.R. Roesler. “Engineering and design considerations for the use of steel furnace slag aggregates in concrete pavements,” 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, Texas, 28 Aug.-1 Sept. 2016, 841-858.
5. A.S. Brand, J.R. Roesler, and A. Salas. “Replacement of coarse and fine aggregate in concrete pavement mixtures with recycled concrete aggregate,” 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, Texas, 28 Aug.-1 Sept. 2016, 825-840.
4. A.S. Brand, A.N. Amirkhanian, and J.R. Roesler. “Load capacity of concrete slabs with recycled aggregates,” ASCE Airfield and Highway Pavement, Los Angeles, California, 9-12 June 2013, 307-320. DOI:10.1061/9780784413005.024
3. S.L. Gillen, A.S. Brand, J.R. Roesler, and W.R. Vavrik. “Sustainable long-life composite concrete pavement for the Illinois Tollway,” International Conference on Long-Life Concrete Pavement, Seattle, Washington, 18-21 Sept. 2012.
2. A.S. Brand, R. Smith, J.R. Roesler, I.L. Al-Qadi, and S.L. Gillen. “Fresh and hardened properties of concrete with fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Québec City, Canada, 8-12 July 2012.
1. A.S. Brand J.R. Roesler. “Effect of nonuniform foundation support on concrete slab responses,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Québec City, Canada, 8-12 July 2012.
Research Group Paper Awards
paper award ICCMS-2022